Saturday, June 13, 2009

What is Truth? Part II

What is Truth? Part II

I) Introduction:

Truth by definition is reality stated with nothing hidden.

We hold to the premise that all truth originates with God. Truth can be possessed as well .You do not have to be rich or privileged; you do not have to be born into a aristocratic family nor educated at Harvard. You simply must accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

By accepting Jesus by Faith you possess all the truth necessary to live a life that produces meaning and fulfillment.

That leads us to our next observation: Truth is to be Expressed.

II) The Expression of Truth.

Jesus said to Pilate in Verse 37 "Everyone that is of the Truth heareth my voice."

Notice the word "heareth". It is "akouo" in the Greek text. Here the tense of the verb is in present indicative. That simply means that the this case going on at the present time. To put it another way those who Possess the Truth of Christ are continually hearing His voice.

And the word heareth has its own twist here. Jesus' use of the word implies not only hearing but heeding simultaneously. As we hear His voice, we heed His voice.

The late E.V. Hill told of his early childhood in depression stricken Texas. He said that Momma would be on one end of the cotton field and him on the other. When Momma cried "Edward" he said that was my call to get to where she was immediately. He heard and he heeded.

This is the way the "Truth of Jesus" operates in our lives. It is not just that we hear His voice, we do more than that. We heed that call and command. I believe we express this hearing in three ways in our daily Christian lives.

A) We will Love the Truth.

A person will not express the truth of God in their lives until they first come to love the Truth. It must become personal.

We can take the Apostle Paul as a classic example. Before his Damascus Road conversion to Christ he was the greatest enemy of Jesus Christ and the infant church. All through his writings he gives insights into his hatred toward the Lord and His chosen ones.

Dr. Luke's record in Acts 9:13 states Ananias' skepticism toward Saul of Tarsus "I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem." Even those of the Jewish synagogues in Damascus are startled when Saul preaches Christ in verses 20-21. "But all that heard him were amazed and said; "Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came here for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests?"

What happened?

Saul of Tarsus encountered the one who is "the way the truth and the life."..... and he made a complete 180 degree turn. He went from a man who despised and persecuted the Truth to one who with all his being "loved the truth."

While writing of the coming anti-christ in his second letter to the Thessalonians he says of those who will embrace the Satanic one "they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." II Thess 2:10. Lost people do not love the Truth.

While Paul's conversion is unique in church history, your conversion to Christ, will produce the same result: "a love for the truth."

If you are indeed a Christian you will "love the truth." That is an acid test of authentic faith in Christ. When a baby is born, there is no debate about the infant's sexuality. The body parts give us the truth. And I believe it is the same way with a genuine believer. Your love for the truth will give you away.

I frequently talk with people who profess Christ and that's all. They cannot prove their possession of Jesus however, because they show no love for the Truth.

B) We will Learn the Truth.

Jesus said "everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice." Not only will there be an evidential love of the Truth, there will be a yearning to learn the truth.

Are you a disciple of Christ? We define discipleship as a follower and a learner. If a person is a true disciple of Jesus, they will have a desire to learn of Him. We do that by studying His Word. The more we study we more we learn.

The Psalms are filled with this instruction.
Psalms 25:4-5 "Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth (oh, there's our word) and teach me."

Psalm 86:11 "Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth (there's that word again), unite my heart to fear thy name."

On and on we could go!!!!!!!!!!!! Suffice it to say, if you are authentic you will learn more of truth. Make it a life long quest! You will never be disappointed; you will never conclude you were wasting your time.

Learn the truth. We have such resources and more options than did our forefathers. We have no excuse.

C) We will Live the Truth.

"Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice." As I read that statement again, I am struck by the fact that hearing the Lord's voice equates with Living His Truth in our daily lives.

That should be evident in those who really love the truth and are learning the truth. They will and do live the truth. Just as children reflect the behavioral patterns of their parents, Christians in the pursuit of truth will reflect their Heavenly Father.

I refer you again to the 86th Psalm quoted above: "Teach me thy way, O Lord. I will walk in thy truth, unite my heart to fear thy name."

Scripture is replete with this simply principle. It is stated in a myriad of metaphorical premises but always comes back to this principle. If you belong to the Lord, you will live out His truth.


I am keenly aware that I cannot get my arms completely around the subject of truth. No one can, but we are instructed to keep trying.

Let me offer you a challenge. If you read this, take the Lord up on his promise. His phone number is Jeremiah 333. Try it. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." I believe He is speaking of truth!!!!!


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